CTG is a private company partnered with UN agencies, Vehicles will be rented by CTG for one of its clients, and they will be required to work six days a week. However, it is important to note that there may be occasions where they will also be asked to work on weekends, specifically Fridays. Furthermore, the selected company will be responsible for providing not just the vehicles but also the driver, fuel, and maintenance services throughout the duration of the project. It is essential that these obligations are met consistently to ensure uninterrupted service. Request For Request for Quotation You are invited to submit your price quotation together with other required qualification documents for procurement of Rental Vehicles for below provinces. The quotation will include driver and fuel for the vehicles. The vehicle will take the staff to the field based on the mission plan received from the office. Request For Vehicle Rental CTG Afghanistan is a humanitarian company and has partnership with the United Nation Agencies, CTG is looking for a vehicle rental company who can provide different model vehicles in 4 provinces that should include driver, maintenance, and fuel (All inclusive).
Post Date: November 1, 2023
Close Date: November 15, 2023