Evolution is a natural phenomenon. However, the pace at which we can evolve is in our
hands. Rahim Gardezi Company Limited (RGCL) believes in development at the speed of
light. Our goal is not just transformation but radical transformation. RGCL aims to expedite
Afghanistan’s development process by providing quality iron and steel to strengthen the
country’s infrastructure and subsequently the economy.
Iron and steel form the backbone of an industrial nation. Our endeavor is to empower
small, medium and major players in Afghanistan with supreme quality iron and steel,
sourced from the best vendors in the world. We consider it our duty towards our country to
play a pivotal role in shaping its future. We do so by ensuring that the country’s
infrastructure projects are executed using quality iron and steel.
We look at our customers not just as clients but also as partners. We first build
relationships and then help in building infrastructure-based projects. Every member of
RGCL is aware of the fact that quality cannot be compromised no matter how high the
stakes. We offer customized services to our clients by understanding their needs and
delivering the products right at their doorstep. RGCL and Rahim Gardezi Group of
Companies are crusaders that work with the clients by adopting highest quality standards
for the development of the country.
Al Haji Haji Mohamad Gardezi
President of Gardezi Group