Letter of Invitation to Tender Tender Ref#: UA /MI/Bid/2023/017 Dear Sir/Madam, SUBJECT: INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF MEDICINE AND CONSUMABLE Further to the publication of the above-mentioned Invitation to Tender, please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier: Tender Notice (See Doc 1) Bid Evaluation (See Doc 2) Letter of Invitation to Tender (See Doc 3) Instructions to Tenderers (See Doc 4) Terms and Conditions (See Doc 5) Price Schedule Lots (See Doc 6) Tenderer’s Relevant Experience (See Doc 7) Tenderers Declaration (See Doc 8) Union Aid Code of Conduct (See Doc 9) Anti-Fraud Policy (See Doc. 10) We look forward to receiving your tender on or before (09:00 AM 3th Dec 2023) at the address specified in the tender dossier. Your tender bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your tender to Union Aid (UA). Price Schedule, Tenderer’s Relevant Experience, Tenderers Declaration (Signed/stamped) Technical Specification (Where applicable) Company Certificate of Registration Copy of the valid registration certificate, TIN Profile including copies of previous Purchased Orders/Contracts for relevant experiences provided in “Tenderer’s Relevant Experience Form). Only qualified supplier will be asked for providing samples. Offers must be submitted in sealed envelopes, marked “TENDER - not to be opened before (9:30 AM, Dec 03, 2023) and should bear the tender reference specified above on the outside of the envelope for identification purposes.
Post Date: November 23, 2023
Close Date: December 3, 2023