Title of the ITB: ITB (Invitation to Bid) – Supply and Delivery of NFI Kits Under Long Term/ Framework Agreement ITB No: FY24-WVI-A-LTA-G-0008 World Vision International- Afghanistan is a non-profit, humanitarian aid and development organization that is dedicated to helping children and their communities reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. We serve poor children, families, and communities through means s as emergency relief, education, health care, economic development, and promotion of justice. Our work touches approximately 100 million people in nearly 100 countries, assisting people regardless of religion, ethnic background, or gender. World Vision (WV) Afghanistan is now inviting interested bidders to submit a bid considering the supply requirements defined in the relevant RFQ. The bidders who are Intent to participate in this Electronic- tendering process (Provision based system) should submit a letter of Intent/Interest to the email address provided below by no later than 1700 AM November 15, 2023, Kabul Local Time and then the WV Supply Chain team will add the supplier to the WV Provision Platform after that, the Supplier would have access to the system and able to access bidding document and submit the quotation based on provided instructions. Bids shall be submitted in the system through the following instructions: Instruction to Bidders: The bidders should submit their Bids/Quotations only through the Provision system and no Bids would be accepted physically. Bidders missing contact information like “vendor name, Vendor president name, Email Address, and Phone number” in the letter of interest will not be considered for the tender participation. Any submission of the letter of interest after the deadline will be rejected and bidders will not be invited to tender. For any information, please contact WV-Afghanistan Supply Chain Department: Attention: Mohammad Ebrahimi Supply Chain Administrator Email: Address to mohammad_ebrahimi@wvi.org Copy to sayedajmal_shahna@wvi.org; afgo_tenders@wvi.org Phone number: (+93) 799406059 Submission of Bids: Bid Submission Deadline: November 18, 2023, by 1700hrs (Kabul Local Time) Physical and late Quotations will not be accepted and automatically will be rejected
Post Date: November 1, 2023
Close Date: November 8, 2023